Θεμελιώδης προϋπόθεση για την ορθή διάγνωση είναι αναμφίβολα η λήψη του ιατρικού ιστορικού. "A fundamental prerequisite for an accurate diagnosis is undoubtedly taking the medical history. At PNEUMΩN CENTER, we take a comprehensive approach to treatment by spending quality time with our patients, and invest in developing a meaningful patient-doctor relationship. Working in tandem, we aim to thoroughly understand the health issues that concern our patient and their specific needs. We provide the necessary scientific information in an understandable manner, so that together we can plan the path to diagnosis, evaluate the available treatment options, and jointly make the best decisions for the individual patient's disease, personality and philosophy of life."
Scientific & Educational associate
Associate Director
Scientific Director
Consultant Pulmonologist, Respiratory Department
Consultant Pulmonologist, Respiratory Department
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